Department and Faculty Information


School of Design


Research is conducted in this department involving language and music culture that produce the results of human spiritual activity through sound, research relating to methods for processing auditory information and optimizing audio equipment, as well as research relating to the planning and design of various types of acoustic environments.


Science of Sound Culture

Advanced research and education are conducted relating to language culture and music culture that produce the results of human spiritual activity through sound based on a systematic understanding of language and methods of musical expressions and a historical and theoretical understaning of music.

Some examples of major fields of research include composition, music-based media art, musical‘echology’, music analysis, music aesthetics, music management theory and Japanese language education.

Science of Acoustical Environment

Advanced research and education are conducted relating to the planning and design of various types of acoustic environments through assessments from human aspects as well as analysis, prediction and control in consideration of physical aspects in order to compose the optimum acoustic environment for human beings. Some examples of major fields of research include architectural acoustics, sound fields control, psychoacoustics, soundscape, rating of sound quality, and nonlinear phenomena.

Science of Acoustic Environment

Advanced research and education are conducted relating to optimization of acoustic equipment, including methods of handling and processing auditory information as well as the extraction, processing, recording and transmission of acoustic information. Some examples of major fields of research include psychology of hearing, auditory perception and cognition, audiology, acoustics of musical instruments, acoustic information processing ,speech processing and audio coding.