Department and Faculty Information


School of Design


To create and transmit visual information adequately and agreeably, we conduct research in the following three fields: the physiology and psychology of visual data processing, and the receptive aesthetics and history of visual culture; engineering methods for communicating, processing and displaying visual information; the visual realization of our image, and the planning and design of visual information for everyday use.


 Theory of Environmental Design

On the basis of physiology of vision, psychology of visual perception, psychophysics of colour vision, and visual cultural studies, we conduct researches and provide professional education in the mechanism of the nervous system, visual perception and sensory cognition, which processes visual information including light, colour, shape, motion, and depth, and the theory and history of art and aesthetics, which analyze and explain our reception of visual information.

 Theory of Environmental Design

On the basis of extensive specialties: Fine Art, Graphic Design, Sign Communication, Artistic Creation by Visual Motion Media, Multiple Image for Exhibition, and Media Art, we research and provide students the advanced and professional skills in order to visualize our imaginative concept adequately and design visual information for everyday use effectively.

 Theory of Environmental Design

The section of Image Engineering has the mission of research and advanced education on theoretical and practical aspects of visual communication technologies including acquisition of visual information from the natural world and societies, and its recognition, processing, display and communication, as well as its electronic formation.

Through the research and education we provide abilities for designing and developing visual information and its engineering systems which are advantageous to individuals and the society.

The section covers the engineering fields of optoelectronics, image processing, visualcommunication engineering, image understanding, image media engineering and imageapplication systems.